Thursday, April 22, 2010

Misguided Thoughts

Low and behold...a new post. It has truly been a minute. Semester's almost over. I can't complain.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Greetings from a Mentos

That Desiree is a mess. lol. i showed her my America's group presentation on google docs when I came home and she really was like blown away. SO funny story..I was showing her the google docs and she just got the craziest idea to call me Mentos like the candy mint. Get it mentor, mentos. Anywho, excuse the randomness..I will definitely recommend this technology to my friends and use them for my other classes. We hardly ever use anything more than blackboard anyways and that doesn't have any cool features other than showing us our grades. That's for the birds..anyways i have to be up early early in the morning so I'm signing off. G'nite!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey, hey

working on this final presentation right now...well got to get back to it. TTFN

Sunday, December 6, 2009

cool Vid.. check it out

visit this site and watch this...


I just found that I can blog from my igoogle page so this is definitely something else I'll be teaching my friend. this would be so cool for a teacher to use this feature to interact with their students or have them keep a blog about an assignment or project. Hopefully the teacher-mentor things gets off the ground earlier in semesters to come...for now I'll teach my friend all of my findings during this project.

Fall 2009 semester

this semester has been so interesting. It's been my best semester academically, so yay for me. I've also taken more interesting courses this time around. My world 203 class introduced me to usig technologies to keep in touch that most people don't think about or even know exists. I took on this project in the class to teach someone else how to use the online sites and pages. I as assigned two different teachers for the project which turned out to be a complete FAIL. So I turned to my friend and fellow B & B resident to teach her. I think it's kind of funny that I'm teaching her stuff that I just learned was out there a couple weeks before.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


.......The Americas group presentation can be seen on

Americas WRLD 203-R002

So Danielle has some of her presentation information posted onto her delicious account and so I decided to give everybody access..though I have no followers yet they can still visit the site.=)

also some of the links where we got our ideas/info/etc.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Microsoft Word 07

Hey I'm posting from Microsoft Word 07…how awesome. No it's just me being overly excited. Anywho I will be saying good night.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Also...I wanted to wish ALL in the Military had a great 11-11-09 and say thank you to ALL Veterans and Active duty soldiers for your strength,vigor, and commitment to serve. I pray for your well being and that no action be in vain.

so it's a whole new day. I'll try posting a pic one more time...I looked for social sites and saw a nice pic but I don't have enough space to post.smh Here's a smaller scale. I think the teacher I'm collaborating with could dig this. For this world203 half hybrid class I have to show em ways to use technology in the classroom. Setting up a blog would be nice. Parents could check in on newsletters, homework and all the unclassified things that happen in classrooms. The kids could follow the blog too as long as they got the go-ahead.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Morning Bloggers

Classification: Freshman.

What's up world? I'm a newbie to blogging. This should be fun...